Khởi động mềm 150-C60NBR

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Khởi động mềm 150-C60NBR

Thông số kỹ thuật khởi động mềm Allen bradley 150-C60NBR

With display No
Voltage type for actuating AC/DC
Rated operating voltage Ue 200 V
Rated control supply voltage at AC 50 Hz 24 V
Rated control supply voltage at AC 60 Hz 24 V
Overload current 20 A
Controller type SMC-3
DV/DT protection 1000V/µs for power circuit
Repetitive peak voltage 1400V per UL/CSA/NEMA for power circuit
Operating frequency 50/60 Hz per UL/CSA/NEMA for power circuit
Line connected motor power, max 7.5…20 Hp @ 230V AC, 60 Hz, 3-phase
Delta connected motor power, max 7.5…30 kW @ 230V AC, 50 Hz, 3-phase
Overvoltage category III per IEC for side mount auxiliary contacts
Rated impulse voltage 6 kV for power circuit
Dielectric withstand 2500V AC per IEC for power circuit
Line connected motor current 20…60 A @ 380/400/415/460V AC, 3-phase
Delta connected motor current 34.6…104 A @ 380/400/415/460V AC, 3-phase
Insulation voltage Rated 600V AC per UL/CSA/NEMA for power circuit
Rated operational voltage 250V AC/30V DC per UL/CSA/NEMA for Side mount auxiliary contacts
Rated control power during start with fan 200 mA @ 120V AC/100 mA @ 240V AC, 700 mA @ 24V AC/DC
Input OFF-state current <10 mA, <12 mA @ input OFF-state voltage (IN1, IN2) for control circuit
Short-circuit protection device list Non-time delay Thermal magnetic circuit breaker High capacity time delay class CC/J/L
Number of contacts TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): 1 for auxiliary contacts
High capacity available fault current, max 70 kA @ 600V, maximum current 225 A time delay Class J or Class L fuse for inside delta connected motors
Type of current TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): AC/DC for auxiliary contacts
Conventional thermal current (Ith) TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): 1 A for auxiliary contacts
Type of control circuit TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): Electromagnetic relay for auxiliary contacts
Type of contacts TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): Normally Open (N.O.) for auxiliary contacts
Utilization category TB-23, -24 (normal/up-to-speed), TB-33, -34 (normal/up-to-speed): C300/R150 per UL/CSA/NEMA for Side mount auxiliary contacts
Rated operational current, max TB-97, -98 (OVLD/Fault): 0.6 A @ 120V AC and 0.3 A @ 240V AC for auxiliary contacts
Standard controller feature Soft stop
Standard available fault current, max 10 kA @ maximum standard fuse 400 A for delta device operational current rating
Rated control supply voltage at DC 24 V
Integrated motor overload protection đại lý 150-C60NBR | nhà phân phối 150-C60NBR
Short circuit protection device performance (SCPD) type Type 1
Selectable overload trip class Trip Class 10, 15, or 20
Selectable start times 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 s
Input OFF-state voltage (IN1, IN2), max 40V AC, 17V DC/12V AC for control circuit
Selectable current limit 150%, 250%, 350%, and 450% of full load current
Input ON-state voltage, during start (IN1, IN2) 85V AC, 19.2V DC/19.2V AC minimum for control circuit
Input ON-state current (IN1, IN2) 9.8 mA @ 120V AC/19.6 mA @ 240V AC for control circuit, 7.3 mA @ 24V AC/DC for control circuit

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