Động cơ MPF-B560F-MJ74BA

Thông số kỹ thuật servo motor Allen bradley: The Allen-Bradley MPF-B560F-MJ74BA Rotary Servo Motor is a state-of-the-art electric motor that is capable of stopping in a precise location by counting the number of rotations of the shaft. This function involves the use of a position encoder coupled with a magnetic brake, both of which are coordinated from a central servo controller which determines the speed and direction of the movement. This motor is part of the MPF Servo Motors series.

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Động cơ MPF-B560F-MJ74BA

Thông số kỹ thuật động cơ servo motor MPF-B560F-MJ74BA

đại lý MPF-B560F-MJ74BA

nhà phân phối MPF-B560F-MJ74BA

Thương hiệu Allen-Bradley / Rockwell
Dòng sản phẩm MPF Servo Motors
Part Number MPF-B560F-MJ74BA
Product Description Rotary Servo Motor
Type of Product Electrical Servo Motor
Power Supply Điện áp 460 Volts AC, 3-phase
Operating frequency 0-334 Hz
Rated Output Power 2.5 kW (3.4 HP)
Maximum Motor Speed 5000 RPM
Continuous Stall Torque 3.05 N-m, 27 Pounds on an Inch
Nhiệt độ hoạt động 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit)
Relative Humidity 5-95% (non–condensing)
PWM Source Voltage